Sunday, February 1, 2015

I Believe....

I believe that I am creative.
I believe that I am intelligent.
I believe that there is good in everyone.
I believe that it takes a village to raise a child.
I believe that a marriage is not 50/50 but both people giving 100%.
I believe that people have lost faith in our government.
I believe our military are underpaid and undervalued.
I believe my daughter is my greatest accomplishment.
I believe my friends keep me around for entertainment purposes.
I believe I can do anything I set my mind to.
I believe I am the hero in my story, not the victim.
I believe that my mother is in denial about her sanity or lack there of.
I believe that Wal-Mart is the true spawn of Satan.
I believe that if I don't get more focused I'm not going to do well in my classes.
I believe that I will reach my weight loss goal.
I believe I really am as fabulous as I say I am.
I believe that I am very humble.
I believe that music can heal a broken heart.
I believe that words have more power than any weapon.
I believe that love isn't all you need.
I believe that dogs are better than cats.
I believe once a Tiger, always a Tiger!
I believe that true friends are hard to find.
I believe this 10 minutes will never end!
I believe I am finally done! Whew!

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